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Tools to use while editing

Haskell language server

If you are using Visual Studio Code, we recommend installing the Haskell extension. Error messages and other helpful annotations will then appear in the editor.


If you are not using an editor with integrated language support, ghcid is a good alternative.

$ ghcid --command 'cabal repl hello-world'

Experimentation and testing

Running a program

There are two ways to run one of the example programs:

  1. Run it directly using runhaskell. For example, runhaskell hello-world.hs. The program’s dependencies must already be installed. See information about Nix below to make that easier.
  2. Run using cabal. For example, cabal run hello-world.


To open a REPL, use the “cabal repl” command, giving as an argument the name of the program you want to load.

$ cabal repl hello-world

λ> main
hello world

The test suites

To run the tests:

$ cabal test all

The tests are also run automatically by GitHub actions.


You do not have to use Nix to run these Haskell programs, but you may find it convenient. Within the Nix shell, you have all of the dependencies required by the examples in the Phrasebook. For example, you can run commands like runhaskell and ghcid.

$ nix-shell

[nix-shell]$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 9.0.1

Getting started with Nix

Install Nix.

Optionally, install Cachix and add the typeclasses cache. This step is optional, but will greatly reduce build time.

$ nix-env -iA 'cachix' -f ''
$ cachix use 'typeclasses'

Nix dependency versions

All of the Nix tools are configured to use a specific version of the Nix package set to ensure that the code works the same in all environments. This version is specified in tools/versions.json.

You can run ./tools/update-versions to update the dependency hashes in tools/versions.json to their latest commits. The JSON data is then used by tools/versions.nix. This system is described in Vaibhav Sagar’s blog post, Quick and Easy Nixpkgs Pinning.